Spell To Stop A Divorce Problem
Powerful Voodoo Spell To Stop Divorce Problem
It is very dangerous kind of magic too. Be brave enough to face the consequences if anything goes wrong too. Now all you have to do is follow the given ritual and voodoo spells to stop a divorce problem:
- Give your partner water to drink and take the remaining water with you which he/she left in the glass.
- Take a cloth of your partner. Now take a voodoo doll and tie that cloth around it and put it under a tree. Light 4 candles around the tree.
- Now chant this voodoo spell to stop a divorce problem 3 times:
Volmaka pocira vi tuo mikowa penchuma heldeva costamema poi boisas monsika helja tui see sli miyas riszaa helda ponchima kilka kontima haima visrema sivastra tuntuma lamca ponji hiw toma prus viljo mochkas silswas silas tundas viras to.
- Now add the water on the head of the voodoo doll and chant these spells:
Palkomas trumendo demensto vi kos tem vol injmas kilkastras elcha phamatas mel trui halkas helda makra testas bonsi lekla lolta ponjis maik kos tinj grasica boi helma tista toi boisas pekla enja velda tui mekla ui si qes noi hel kulse depca kuska kamas.
- Now a take 4 needles and put the first needle in the top of the head of the voodoo doll and chant this voodoo spell:
Oimas velka chu ki vel co tui tyes and es yios vies expelmas tantrsas planstru vilki henja volta dui yonkas vilju silas viras .
- Now put the second needle in the chest of the voodoo doll and chant this voodoo spell:
Licos veldas chos pinjus tesa yuja meka totas pekla hecta eldo hencho kelmos pentros essos bolma shrast lelco hoi boisas tun.
- Now put the third needle in the heart portion of the voodoo doll and chant this voodoo spell:
Baimo nesde polkas destre moj nare akes vildrumcos honjosta vismusta kol didus voltas pentos chichas toltras kosmas lylas.
- After that remove all the needles and remove the cloth of your partner and dig the voodoo doll under the ground.
If you follow this ritual for 10 days then your entire divorce problem will be gone with the power of the Voodoo spell within 1 month.
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